Download and transfer the Unlock Key to the computer on which you have installed Live. After successfully entering your challenge code/hardware code, you will be presented with an Unlock Key/.auz file.Log onto your Ableton user account and enter the challenge code/hardware code at this page.Carefully write down the challenge code/hardware code given here. The options that appear will include an Unlock Offline section.Enter your serial number when prompted to do so, and then click Ok.Click on the Unlock button at the bottom of the window.Select Live from the list of available products.Start Live and open Preferences which can be accessed via the Options menu on Windows or the Live menu in Mac OS X.After transferring the Unlock Key/.auz file to your computer, open Live and choose the Load Unlock Key button in the Unlock dialog and locate the Unlock Key on your hard drive.Download and transfer the Unlock Key/.auz file to the computer that you have installed Live on.You will then be presented with an Unlock Key/.auz file.Log onto your Ableton user account and enter the challenge code /hardware code here.Write down the challenge code/hardware code.Please get in touch with Ableton Support to receive the last supported version of Live. Note: You can find the instructions to authorize Live 10 and 11 here:

In order to authorize version older than Live 10, follow the instructions below. Authorizing older versions of Live (1 - 9.6.2)